Vintage soft pink and silver color palette designed by The Elegant Petal

When planning your wedding selecting the right color palette truly sets the tone. After choosing the perfect color combination for your wedding, the rest of the details will fall into place… from dress selection, venue, floral design, invitations and lighting just to name a few. What is your vision?  What mood are your trying to create? What time of year are you getting married?  The answers to all of these questions will help narrow down your color scheme. Think about your venue; are you looking to “warm” up the space, or “brighten” it up.  Warm tones include browns, ambers and golds.  While bright rich tones may include purples, blues and magentas.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your colors. Design an inspiration board of pictures and various color combinations and share these inspirations with your florist, bridal party and lighting designer.

When brides and grooms contact our Lighting Designer Jay at Elegant Event Lighting, the first question he asks is “what are your colors.”  He can then build from there and bring your lighting vision to life with the perfect colors to compliment your already existing palette.  The same goes for your floral and invitation designer who will work closely with you.  For more ideas and inspiration on color, please visit our photo gallery at

Bolingbrook Golf Club Ivory and Amber

Beautiful amber uplighting provided by Elegant Event Lighting will warm up your wedding venue